Home Energy Audit: the Key to Energy Efficiency in Your Florida Home?
If only we could bottle the energy that we emit when we come face to face with the monthly utility bill. Rate increases aside, where, you might ask in frustration, is all that money going?
In all likelihood, right out the window — and probably a few doors, too. The fact is, unless you live in a submarine, your home is not 100 percent airtight. And while you may be knocking yourself out to seal air leaks, install insulation and fix faulty venting, the best way to make your home more energy efficient is to schedule a professional energy evaluation, also known as a home energy audit.
This evaluation focuses on the key parts of your home, including:
- Air sealing
- Ductwork
- Insulation
- Windows
- Heating and cooling system
- Lighting and ceiling fans
- Appliances
Think of this audit as an attic-to-basement X-ray of your home; while everything might look just fine to the naked eye, the audit exposes what’s going on below the surface. And the best part? Once you’re provided with an audit report and make the changes recommended within it, you could save up to 30 percent a year on your energy bill, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. At least that’s the outcome reported by homeowners, who also cite a sharp reduction in mental breakdowns over the monthly utility bill.
They owe this new sense of calm to a blower door test, a key component of an energy evaluation. A blower door, which is basically a powerful fan, is attached to the front door. All the doors and windows are closed so that the fan can draw air out of the house. In minutes, the air pressure inside drops while the higher outside air pressure flows in through cracks, gaps and openings. The energy auditor moves quickly to detect the leaks, either with a smoke pencil or a thermal scan. The latter is basically an X-ray, with the “broken bones” standing out in red.
A home energy evaluation also includes HVAC, appliance, insulation and carbon monoxide inspections so that, in the end, no stone — or rug — is left unturned to help make your home more energy efficient.
It’s as much fun to watch as it is constructive, so call Scott’s Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your appointment today!
Scott’s Heating & Air Conditioning is a full-service heating and air conditioning company and a Bryant® Factory Authorized Dealer in Central Florida. Whether you need repair, maintenance, or installation of a new heating or cooling system, we provide efficient, cost-effective, and professional service. When it’s hot, call Scott!
Tags: air leaks, energy efficiency, energy evaluation, energy savings, home energy audit, orlando floridaCategorised in: Energy Savings