How to Use Ceiling Fans to Feel More Comfortable and Save Energy

Everyone knows that ceiling fans help take the sizzle out of the summer heat, but few people remember that those same fans can also take the chill out of a winter breeze. If you have the time to flip a switch, you can use your fans year-round to not only keep your home comfortable, but also keep utility bills down.
In the summertime, your fans should be set to run in a counterclockwise direction. This forces air down and creates a wind chill effect. As the air circulates around your body, it causes your body to lose heat via a process known as convection. The more air that circulates over your body, the faster this process occurs, and the cooler you feel. For this reason, ceiling fans work to cool or warm people, not rooms.
In the wintertime, homeowners should flip the ceiling fan switch so the blades spin in a clockwise direction. This creates an updraft that forces cold air toward the ceiling where it mixes with the warmer air. It’s then forced down toward the walls and registers which take it back to your furnace and throughout your home.
Using ceiling fans to circulate the air means your heating and cooling equipment doesn’t have to work as hard to regulate the temperatures within your home. You can lower thermostat settings and still remain comfortable when you’re home. Just remember to turn off a ceiling fan when you leave the room, so you’re not wasting energy circulating air in an empty room.
Let ceiling fans keep you comfortable and reduce your energy consumption! We’re happy to help you with any of your HVAC needs, so call Scott’s Heating and Air Conditioning today for answers to any questions you may have about your home comfort.
Scott’s Heating & Air Conditioning is a full-service heating and air conditioning company and a Bryant® Factory Authorized Dealer in Central Florida. Whether you need repair, maintenance, or installation of a new heating or cooling system, we provide efficient, cost-effective, and professional service. When it’s hot, call Scott!
Tags: ceiling fans, energy bills, energy efficiency, heating and cooling, hvac system, orlando floridaCategorised in: Thing You Should Know