Making the right decision: should you repair or replace an AC?

Deciding to replace your AC system is a big decision and opting to make repairs certainly can make sense in the right circumstances. How do you know when replacing instead of repairing is the right choice to make? When considering whether to repair or replace an AC, several factors come into play, including the age of the system, the extent of the damage, and the cost-effectiveness of repairs versus replacement.
Before deciding on a replacement, contact Scott’s Air for a complete system assessment that will include an evaluation of your existing equipment, as well as the ducts that deliver the cool air. If the repair will extend the life of your system and provide you with an acceptable level of cooling, Scott’s Air is ready and able to provide you with fast and reliable repair services.
If you don’t know if you should repair or replace an AC, here are 9 basic questions you should ask yourself:
- Does your air conditioner make strange noises?
- Is your air conditioner not cooling correctly?
- Is your home too hot during the summer, even though the AC is running?
- Is your AC taking longer to cool off?
- Does your AC turn off randomly and then turn on?
- Are some rooms colder or hotter than others?
- Is your coil leaking?
- Is your fan making noises?
- Are your filters extremely dirty?
If you have answered yes to one or more of these questions, it may be time to replace them.
Air Conditioning Technology
Keep in mind that much has changed in air conditioning technology in recent years to the point where your system, even if it’s only 10 years old, may be outdated. For example, as of 2010, manufacturers must use a new kind of refrigerant that is ozone-friendly. Repair or replace an AC A new system uses much less electricity, efficiently keeping your home cool and comfortable.
Evaluating your ductwork will also help you make the “repair or replace” decision. It may be that repairing leaky ductwork will help your old system hang in there a little bit longer. Or, you may need to replace the ductwork entirely. Your Scott’s Air technician can advise whether duct improvements or replacement should be standalone or alongside a new AC installation.
AC’s Performance
Consider insulation when assessing your AC’s performance. If your house is poorly insulated, that may be putting a strain on your aging AC system. Fixing insulation flaws might extend the lifespan of your old system for a few more years. Sealing gaps in outer walls and attics or adding insulation can significantly reduce heating and cooling expenses. Insulation improvements may be a more effective solution to your cooling problems than replacing your equipment.
If you do decide to replace your AC system but are put off by the cost, keep in mind that you may qualify for rebates from the manufacturer (like those offered by Bryant) and/or from your local utility. And your new system will save you a substantial amount of money on your monthly utility bill.
When you call Scott’s Air, our highly qualified experts can help you make the final “repair or replace” decision. If you choose repair, our technicians will swiftly work to restore your system’s functionality. Likewise, if it’s time to replace, they will consider factors such as the size, shape, and orientation of your home, as well as its location, in determining the perfect system.
Scott’s Heating & Air Conditioning is a full-service heating and air conditioning company and a Bryant® Factory Authorized Dealer in Central Florida. Whether you need repair, maintenance, or installation of a new heating or cooling system, we provide efficient, cost-effective, and professional service. When it’s hot, call Scott!
Tags: A/C efficiency, AC installation, AC repairsCategorised in: Air Conditioning, Service and Maintenance, Thing You Should Know